Called ?le Petomane? _ the fartiste _ he was reputedly the highest paid performer in France at his prime.? Considering the bean dinner scene, this can not be a coincidence. GHD. PS: That's HEDLEY!!! ? Gold Hill Dave ...
Memo to John McCrazy: Most companies don't let you skip vacations. If you are lucky enough to work for a company that gives you paid vacation time, you have to take it, even if it means you lie around the house watching tv. ......Hedley Lamarr's picture. McCain: "You think you have problems; I. Hedley Lamarr (not verified) ? 4/21/08 3:58pm. McCain: "You think you have problems; I was tortured for five years and you don't hear me whining about it. Oh, wait" ...
A Family of Fitzpatricks Searching for the relatives of my Grandma A on the internet is where I first caught the bug for genealogy, as it was fascinating to me to see that first listing of a whole family living in Tudhoe (Co. ...